
3 Step Planning Process


Finding Out

Exploring what is out there 


Making Decisions

Comparing options  


Taking Action

Working towards your goals 

Step 1: Finding Out

This step is about exploring the occupations and learning areas that interest you. Once you have some idea of your occupational preferences you can research the specific skills and qualifications required for those occupations.

  • Explore occupations that interest you and ask yourself how do my skills and interests match up with these occupations.
  • Where are the gaps?
  • What skills do I need for these occupation/s?
  • Where do I work?

Step 2: Making Decisions

This step involves comparing your options, narrowing down your choices and thinking about what suits you best at this point in time. Study the CAREER CHART . Through the process of illumination identify a few fields of study that you might be interested in.

Career Chart

Step3 – Taking Action

Here you plan the steps you need to take to put your plan into action. Use all you have learnt about your skills, interests and values together with the information you have gathered about different career fields to create your plan. 

Mistakes to Avoid when Selecting a Career:

Before you decide what career to pursue, carefully consider your options and ask yourself the following questions:

1. What are my interests?

2. What are my skills?

3. What are my talents and strengths?

4. What is my personality?

5. What is my ability?

Where does my interest lie?

In order to choose a career that will give you personal satisfaction, you must spend some time thinking about what really interests you. This activity helps you match your interests to different types of careers. For each item, tick the letter of the activity you would rather do. It doesn’t matter if you like both of them a lot or dislike both of them a lot; just pick the one you would rather do, and circle that letter.

Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D